We craft a unique identity that best conveys your values.

“Aureole” represents our unwavering commitment to excellence and distinction. Just as the halo symbolizes the sacred and divine, our name embodies a commitment to upholding the highest standards of quality, integrity, and innovation in the pharmaceutical industry.

“Aureole” represents our unwavering commitment to excellence and distinction. Just as the halo symbolizes the sacred and divine, our name embodies a commitment to upholding the highest standards of quality, integrity, and innovation in the pharmaceutical industry.
Much like the radiant circle of light that surrounds a revered figure, our work at Aureole Pharma Tech shines brightly in the pharmaceutical landscape. It signifies our dedication to pushing the boundaries of what’s possible, to innovate, and to provide solutions that truly matter.


Kiran Badgujar

At Aureole Pharma Tech, we believe in the power of inspiration. Our name, “Aureole,” draws inspiration from the radiant halo or aura often associated with revered figures in spirituality. This symbolism holds a profound significance for us as our core values are inspired by it.

Much like the radiant circle of light that surrounds a revered figure, our work at Aureole Pharma Tech shines brightly in the pharmaceutical landscape. It signifies our dedication to pushing the boundaries of what’s possible, to innovate, and to provide solutions that truly matter.
When you choose Aureole Pharma Tech, you’re choosing a partner dedicated to the pursuit of excellence. Our name reflects our promise to deliver pharmaceutical technology and services that are nothing short of exceptional. With us, you’ll find the brilliance of innovation and the radiance of excellence in every aspect of our work

Established in 2005 in a total experience of almost 18 years in the same industry. Fabricated and supply of over 1000 units to our different clients, hospitals and pharmaceuticals companies. “Aureole Process Equipment Pvt. Ltd. Formerly Known as Joel Enterprises (INDIA) & Joel Process Equipment Pvt. Ltd, are a renowned manufacturer and supplier of a remarkable range of High Speed/High Pressure Sterilizers, Vertical/Horizontal Sliding Automatic Autoclave, Microprocessor/P.L.C. Based Control System, Horizontal Rectangular Autoclave, Multi Column Distillation Plant, Pure Steam Generator, Ethylene Oxide(E.T.O) Sterilizer, Table Top Autoclave, Single Lever Vertical Autoclave, Super Heated Water Spray Sterilizer.

The products offered by us are designed and manufactured under the supervision of our professionals following international standards. Owing to the features like sturdy construction and resistance against rust & corrosion, these products are widely appreciated in the market.
At Auraazion Lifesciences, we are committed to advancing health and well-being through innovative solutions in the pharmaceutical and life-sciences sector. Established as part of a diverse group of companies, we have a rich history rooted in excellence and a passion for enhancing life quality.
At Auraazion Lifesciences, we are committed to advancing health and well-being through innovative solutions in the pharmaceutical and life-sciences sector.
Mack Auraa, group of Mack (Equipment division & Animal Healthcare division) – We are a family owned by Mr. Kiran Badgujar MD of Aureole Pharma Tech, professionally managed business organization headquartered in Sinnar, Maharashtra, INDIA. Mr. Kiran Badgujar is an young enthusiastic person who has dynamic interest in care of animals and so diverted his vision in to animal healthcare products i.e. Mack Auraa Animal Healthcare Division for bettering the lives.
Mack Auraa Animal Healthcare Division is an accredited provider of innovative and high quality animal health care products and feed supplements.
At Mack Auraa we understand the requirements of animal production and feed industries, we identify new opportunities, create sustainable solutions, deliver benefits and continuously try to improve the economics of livestock farming.
दानाला फक्त अर्थ नसतो तर परमार्थ देखील असतो. खरतर, आपल्यात दान देण्याची कुवत निर्माण होणं हे कुठल्या वरदानापेक्षा कमी नसतं. एका सामान्य घरातला मुलगा ते आज प्रतिथयश उद्योजक असा संघर्षमय प्रवास केलेल्या नाशिक स्थित डॉ श्री किरण बडगुजर यांनी हे जाणलं आणि समाजातल्या गरजूंना आधार देण्यासाठी ‘आदित्यम फाउंडेशन-किरण आशेचा’ ही सेवाभावी संस्था 2012 साली स्थापन केली. समाजातला कुठलाही एक विशिष्ट घटक केंद्रस्थानी न ठेवता जिथे गरज तिथे आम्ही हा संस्थेच्या काम करण्याचा दृष्टीकोण राहिलाय. आदित्यमचा अर्थ सूर्य असा होतो आणि दान हे देखील सूर्यासारख असतं… जिथे केलं जातं तिथली प्रत्येक गोष्ट ते उजळून टाकतं.
आदित्यम फाउंडेशनच्या कार्याचा प्रकाश सुद्धा असा अनेक ठिकाणी पसरलाय. असं म्हणतात की घरातल्या करत्या माणसाचं आयुष्य सावरलं की घरातल्या सगळ्याच माणसांचं आयुष्य सावरलं जातं. संस्थेने पुढाकार घेतल्याने अनेक व्यसनाधीन व्यक्तींची आणि पर्यायाने त्यांच्या कुटुंबियांची आयुष्य देखील सावरली आहेत.

Dr. Kiran Badgujar



It is with great pride and enthusiasm that I address you from the Director’s Desk at Aureole Pharma Tech. Our journey, which began as a visionary dream, has evolved into a thriving reality, radiating the aura of innovation and excellence.
At Aureole Pharma Tech, our core values are deeply woven into our commitment to delivering exceptional pharmaceutical solutions. With a strong background in commerce, a customer-focused nature, and a passion for innovation in pharmaceutical Veterinary Drugs, I embarked on this journey, driven by the belief that we could make a significant impact in the healthcare industry.

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Plot No. B – 61, Malegaon MIDC, Tal - Sinnar, Dist - Nashik 422 113 Maharashtra, India

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+91 86005 22240

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